Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Old Mantle Clock

Along my way today...I finally found someone to repair my mantle clock. My mom gave it to me a few years ago and it has set on my mantle without running all this time. So I was thrilled when I met Katherine that knows how to fix old clocks. She says it may take a little while for her to look at it and get it cleaned and to know what needs fixing. If any parts are missing or broken, she may even have to make parts. I can't wait to hear what it sounds like when it chimes! Can anyone tell me about how old it is?

My love for old clocks began when I was a child. My grandma's Aunt Mandy and Uncle Tee had an old mantle clock that sat on their mantle over their fireplace. There was a picture on the face of this clock that depicted an old lady and an old man sitting in rocking chairs on each side of a fireplace with a warm fire blazing. In the room, Aunt Mandy and Uncle Tee would be sitting on each side of their fireplace with a warm fire blazing just underneath their clock sitting on the mantle. They looked just like the picture on the face of their clock. As a child, the whole scene looked enchanting.

The second clock belonged to another old man named either Jasper or Elijah. Funny thing that I can't remember which name belonged to him. He was my friend Kathy's great uncle and he lived with her and her family. He had a long white beard that I liked to touch. I remember him being very kind. On a table in his bedroom, he had an old Anniversary Clock. Underneath the clear glass dome I could see all the workings of the insides. That was mesmerizing to a little girl.

And that's how my love affair with clocks began.

Thinking Out Loud

I really need to get busy and work on this blog! There's so many things I want to blog about, but then I "wait" until I have plenty of time to do it just right, and I end up waiting and waiting and it never gets done. Besides, I will probably never get it just right and I certainly will never find all the time I need, so I just need to go ahead and work with what I have!

All the blogs that I follow are just SO beautiful and creative. Mine will never measure up to them. And that's okay, actually. But I sure do love reading all of them. I have found so many that are helpful and inspiring in so many ways. I find this a very enjoyable way to connect with real women in a real way that otherwise I would never even meet. I love blog land!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Along my way today...I have been watching old, like black & white old, videos of The French Chef, which is, of course, Julia Child. I'm getting them from Netflix. But you know what? After 40 years of cooking for my family, I am learning a lot from her. And I'm loving it. I should have watched her years ago.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Big Clean

Along my way today...been cleaning a lot. Not just spring cleaning, but an upgraded spring cleaning. Maybe I should call it "decade clean out". Actually, I think the process will take me a few months to complete. I will eventually have cleaned, reorganized, simplified, redecorated every square inch of my house. This will include everything from reorganizing the kitchen drawers to new flooring to painting walls. I will use what I have first and if I don't absolutely LOVE something I have, it will be donated. No more clutter just for the sake of having it. This is the result of a few months of thinking and praying about my home and where I am in my life now. Now that I am "older", my taste in style have changed somewhat. It has become more simple and settled. I am very much looking forward to getting all this finished so that I can get on with doing the things that I really enjoy, quilting, crafting and enjoying more the people that I love. The blogs that I have been following have been a huge source of inspiration to me. I cannot say how much I have enjoyed all of them. I say thank you to all of you for your encouragement. It has been exciting to find other ladies who actually enjoy the same things that I enjoy. Who knew that I wasn't alone in being greatly satisified by a neatly organized silverware drawer! I am looking forward to the path that the Lord is going to be taking me on from here on. My faith in Him is stronger than its ever been and I trust Him for every step.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday School Lesson

Our Sunday school lesson today was the story of Esther and her courage. I asked the class to turn to the book of Esther. When one of the boys, Marcus, (5th grader) found the first chapter, the last verse of Nehemiah, the book just before Esther, caught his eye. He says loudly, "We're not suppose to say that, and it's in the Bible!" Well, of course, I had to look to see what he was reading and the last part of the verse says "Remember me, O my God, for good."

I knew right away what Marcus was referring too. A few weeks ago we had a few lessons on the names of God and one of the things we talked about was taking the Lord's name in vain and how not say His name with disrespect. One of the common phrases that we mentioned was "Oh my God".

I had to chuckle, but we had a short re-cap of what the phrase meant and how it is a good phrase to use as it is used in this verse. I am so glad to know that they really do listen to our studies.

Every week I prepare for a specific lesson, but I'm never quite sure which direction that day's discussion may lead us. I love every minute of teaching these kids. I am not the best or most knowledgeable teacher in the world, but because of that I rely heavily on the Lord and let Him do the teaching through me. He has taken us down some amazing paths.